Sunday, December 12, 2010

Facebook Love - Free Delivery

Hello Fabulous Facebook Fans

To say thanks for all your support in 2010 I've decided to run an exclusive offer for today only.

Now's the time to order RealChai for your Christmas Presents and get it deliverd for FREE. Thats' right FREE DELIVERY!!! Today only. (*Orders $25 or more). If you order today you'll also be beating the Christmas mail rush.

Here's how to claim:

1. Visit - select your goodies, any flavour, any size as long as you spend $25 or more.
2. Add to cart, click: continue to check out.
3. Enter your shipping details - click: continue to next.
4. Enter the code: 'facebook' in the discount box. (You will see a $5.50 discount to cover your postage for up to 500g of RealChai. You'll also receive this discount if you order more than 500g)
5. Choose your payment details and click: complete purchase
6. All done - sit back and wait for your RealChai to spruce up your mailbox :-))))

Happy Sipping!

Anthea (a.k.a the chaigirl)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Agave – My flavour of the Month.

Want an alternative to honey or sugar in your chai? Try Agave Syrup. It’s a natural plant sweetener that tastes delicious and has a low Glycemic Index (which means its absorbed slowly into the bloodstream.

Agave syrup is like really liquid honey. The flavour is slightly sweeter than honey so you can use a little less but it tastes very similar in your chai. Seeing as I drink so much chai I like the fact that it’s low GI and promotes healthy probiotics in my stomach.

Agave actually comes from the cactus plant. Not all Agave syrup is created equally. The one I use is Loving Earth. If you google Agave there are some reports that it is actually bad for you as it is chemically processed and high in Fructose. This is not the case with Loving Earth’s Organic Agave Syrup. It uses no chemicals and contains no Fructose or any starch. Try it for yourself and see if you can feel/taste the difference. For more detailed info about the health benefits of Agave visit: Loving Earth's Website

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Yogic Rest & Relaxation Tips

Are you getting enough Rest & Relaxation?

When was the last time you really rested? I’m talking no phones, no laptops, no work, no chores, no kids, no nothing?? Just total uninterrupted rest?

I was lucky enough to do this recently for 7 whole days at a beautiful yoga retreat at Mangrove Mountain. I felt like a completely different person by the time I floated out of there. It got me thinking how much rest and relaxation do we need and how can I incorporate more into every day (not just save it up for a once a year treat)

I watched and experienced how the fabulous yogis lived and came up with 5 top tips for increasing energy and decreasing stress daily.

As you can imagine the lifestyle at Mangrove is one of simplicity and beauty. Back in the “real world” it’s not always so easy. But I noticed there were a number of simple changes I could implement back home that really do make a difference. For all you non yogis out there – you’ll be pleased to know not one of them involves even so much as touching your toes J.

6 top tips for rest & relaxation (including chai!!!)

1. Regular Routine

I used to think being able to do what you want when you want was the ultimate freedom. Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I’m not one for rules and regulations but routine, I’m discovering is different. Routine actually creates freedom. When you know what needs to be done and you create regular space to make it happen you actually reduce stress. It’s easier to get in the right headspace when you know what’s in store. You can plan better and allocate your energy accordingly. Routine gives a sense of being on top of things – which is a great antidote to stress. Plus, when you are finished your scheduled activity and your have moved into downtime – you can really relax as you have clearly designated boundaries between work and play.

2. One thing at a time – you’ve heard this before but it really is true.

At Mangrove, when you’re eating, you’re eating. Not driving or walking or answering emails or making school lunches. You are simply sitting and eating so you can taste each and everyone of the wonderful flavours on your plate. And because you are focused on your food, you chew it properly, you savour it and lo and behold you notice when you become full before you’ve over eaten. At the end of a meal at Mangrove you are guaranteed to feel satisfied…not scanning the cupboards for a little something more. This is just one example of how doing one thing at a time heightens your experience and makes it more rewarding. It’s the same with work. You are far more likely to get a better result if you focus on one thing at a time. Give the first thing on your list your full attention and you’ll complete it quicker and more effectively than if you try and juggle 2 or more things at once. Then once your done move onto the next thing and give that your full attention. Try it for a day and notice how different it feels.

3. Start the day in a positive way

Yoga class at Mangrove starts at 5:30am. Yup you heard me right 5:30am! At first this seems counter intuitive. Why get up so early when the idea is to rest? What I noticed though was that moving my body gently in the morning actually gave me more energy for the rest of the day. By doing something positive before getting caught up in what “needs” to be done you set yourself up in a relaxed frame of mind that seems to make everything else flow more easily. You don’t have to get up at 5:30 either. Just getting up half an hour earlier or even 15 minutes earlier and doing some stretches or a meditation will make a difference.

4. Get outside & move

At Mangrove you eat all your meals outside. There is plenty of time for lying around on the grass and reading or staring at the clouds. And a favourite pastime of all the visitors is walking amongst the beautiful surrounds. This is very enlivening. It feels like you live more outside than inside, like we do normally. Just being in nature is uplifting. You’ve got the sunlight, the fresh air, all the plants and flowers, natures beauty is subtly reflecting to us the inner beauty inside us – and it’s hard not to feel good when we connect with this. I noticed too, the more I moved the less sluggish I felt. The irony is that when we are tired we are less likely to want to go outside and go for a walk, yet it’s the quickest way to change our state and increase our energy.

5. Enjoy your "chai time" - whatever that may be

Of course being a yoga retreat (otherwise known as an ashram) Chai is an important part of the lifestyle. And of course they know how to do it properly. At Mangrove they hand grind the spices too and simmer in big pots, just the way chai should be. Everyone hangs out to enjoy their treat, savouring the aromas and tastes, while laughing and talking in the sunshine. There’s no rush. It’s all about enjoying your senses. No wonder I love this Mangrove. No wonder I love chai. My daily Real Chai ritual gives me a little bit of time out to reconnect with myself. We don't always have hours to while away reading under a tree *sigh* but by taking a few minutes out here and there to simply stop, take a few deep breaths and do something a little nurturing we can really re-energise. Of course, it doesn't have to be chai either, it could be laughing with your children, admiring some beautiful flowers, singing away to your favourite song. It's these little things that are often the most precious and really make you feel great. if you want to try RealChai today - click here for our special offer.

6. Yoga Nidra - guided relaxation

What if I told you there is something you can do that gives you the equivalent of 4 hours sleep in just 30 minutes. Well apparently there is! If you can manage to set aside 20-30 minutes a day for some deep guided relaxation you can recharge your batteries and help calm your nervous system at the same time, in less time than if you were actually asleep - amazing huh! This has got to be one of my favourite tips. I have to admit for some strange reason I do find it difficult to actually lie down and do this, but whenever I do I feel fantastic.

Even if you implement just one of these things I'm sure you'll feel some benefit. So why not pick one and start today.

Happy Relaxing!

Anthea (aka the chai girl)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Business IS Personal

Who ever said "it's not personal, it's business" couldn't of been further off the mark. Business IS one of the most personal things you can do. Everything you do in business is personal, from relating to your customers, your staff & your suppliers to establishing your values, your goals & your brand.

Every choice you make communicates something to someone about who you are and what you believe in. Ultimately every success and every failure comes down to these choices. Your business is a reflection of you and where you are at. Yes of course there are outside influences affecting your business, this is indisputable but you are responsible for how you deal with these "influences".

I've learned very quickly that if my business isn't gong well then I need to look at my role in this. This is super empowering. No point sitting round blaming my staff, the economy, the alignment of the planets, or anything really. If there's a problem it's my job to fix it or find the opportunity in it. This keeps me moving forward.

Likewise when things are going well I'm learning the importance of appreciating my achievements. Noticing your wins keeps you motivated and reminds you in tough times that you have overcome difficulties before and will be able to do it again.

Business is full of ups and downs. It's the most challenging and rewarding thing I've done to date (I'm yet to have kids - I imagine that trumps everything!) So I thought I'd start this little blog as a way to share some of my trials and tribulations. It's also a little bit of cheap therapy to keep me sane along the way. Lately whenever something 'devastating' (yes i can be prone to melo-dramtics) has happened, I've consoled myself by saying "Oh well, that's one for the blog, at least I've got something to write about now!"

So this is me, Anthea Cahill (a.k.a The Chai Girl). I started my business RealChai Pty Ltd in 2008 and quit my "secure, well paying IT career" to get up at 5am and make Chai outside in the freezing cold at local markets... since then I've never been happier! RealChai is my baby so you can expect lots of photos and ooohing and ahhhing over different milestones as my baby grows and I grow with it. Told you it's personal. Stay tuned!!